In chapter 83 of the third book of his Poetices libri Septem, Scaliger launches a severe attack on Erasmus’s definition of a proverb, without even mentioning the name of the Dutch humanist: “grammatici, idest Donatus et is Gracculus qui Donati adducit definitionem, aeque ineptiunt.” Its modern editor, Luc Deitz, has…

¡O magno trolleo classico!

Iosephus IJsewijn reviewed in the Volume 39 of the Humanistica Lovaniensia journal -published the 1990 year-, an article printed among other collaborations of the ‘Miscellanea Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae III’: “Alessandro VII e Athanasius Kircher S. J. Richerche ed appunti sulla loro corrispondenza erudita e sulla storia di alcuni codici chigiani”,…